Maxwell Western straw hat
Sold by: ANTHEC GmbH & Co. KG
Größe:S (54-55 cm)
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Größe:S (54-55 cm)
Größe:S (54-55 cm)
This plain-colored traveler hat welcomes summer in a friendly color scheme. It gets its summery lightness from the use of braided straw braids and a pretty trim gives it a casually elegant finish. Whether on vacation, in the garden at home or during sunny leisure activities - the hat with a wide brim always provides a pleasant place in the shade. Another special feature is its handmade origin in the EU and the metal brand pin on the side.
Material: 100% straw (paper), brim width: approx. 7.5 cm
Head height: approx. 10.5 cm
Head height: approx. 10.5 cm